Have a Reunion with Your Self

by Michael Feeley
My 50th-year high school reunion is happening in October. I feel many deep emotions: good, bad, happy, sad, tearful, gratifying, grieving, loving, regrets, pride, curiosity, wonder, change.
There’s a website for the reunion. I see photos of people I have known from many years ago studying and in school activities.
Friends – bullies – heroes – mentors – artists – cheerleaders – actors – musicians – athletes – writers – mathematicians – scientists – linguists – builders. People dreaming of becoming lawyers, celebrities, doctors, business owners, politicians, teachers, parents+++
Several people are no longer alive, and I can hardly express the profound and surprising loss I feel. There are also people
we have no idea where they are.
It’s makes me cherish my life as I look back on my dreams of the future at age 15 to 18, hopes and fears and immense joy and pain, and the results of what I have achieved.
I’m proud to say my dreams did come true with lots of hard work and belief in my skills. Nothing derailed me from getting
what I most wanted – to become a professional actor and singer in New York City.
I won’t be attending the reunion; however, I am having a reunion with my ‘self’, and the past 50 years of life and the new dreams and ambitions I continue to muster up.
Why not do the same – Have a reunion with your ‘self’. Look back on your life and see what you dreamed about and
hoped to accomplish.
> Where are you today – close to what you imagined?
> What have you achieved that you’re proud and grateful for doing?
> Where do you want to do more with your life?
There’s still time. Take advantage every day to live your best life and dreams.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is useful too – Center Your Self.