Glady Learn and teach

by Michael Feeley
LEARN AND TEACH – Teach and Learn. It’s happening to us all the time.
Daily we learn new things about ourselves and others in life and work. We talk to people (and ourselves), and we’re teaching and learning – saying what we think and feel, and that’s an incredible process.
It’s a choice to learn and teach. Some people only want to teach. They think they have all the answers and miss the opportunity to hear other people and be changed by them; to patiently learn something and understand someone, no matter how different they and their thoughts, beliefs, and actions are from yours.
Geoffrey Chaucer in “The Canterbury Tales” (1342-1400) said it:
“And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach.”
It’s the “gladly” that matters.
How glad are any of us to learn and teach? To be of service and to give back.
Everything is a learning experience. Even when we’re struggling with health, money, relationships, work.
Glady means gratitude and happiness, liking things, being pleased and thankful.
We certainly have learned things with the hardships of covid, and there is also gladness and gratitude to see and teach that nourishes us.
Let’s gladly make the most of both and enjoy dancing with – learning and teaching – teaching and learning.
Thanks – Michael
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