Get Unstuck at Work

by Michael Feeley
If you’re an executive or even a college grad feeling stuck in your career or work and you’re thinking about creating some change, describe:
– Why do you feel stuck?
– What can you do to move out of stuck?
– What do you want to do?
– Why do you want it?
– What plan will you create to achieve what you want?
Be creative – pull back the curtains – open every door and window – turn on lights so you can see and evaluate options and opportunities. Be wildly creative. Open. Unlimited.
You have two choices:
1. If you’re not up to looking for a new job, how can you refresh your present job and put new life and purpose into it?
Begin by remembering how you felt when hired at your present job—the excitement, inspiration, hopes, intentions, and plans.
How can you change your present mindset and revive the gratitude you felt in your heart for the first days and weeks of your once-new and present work? It’s like cleaning the house. Familiar furniture and objects are cared for and revitalized, dusted off, polished, and wiped clean. You feel good.
Why not pretend it’s your first day? Show up with new, sincere energy and commitment. Change how you dress and act, reorganize your desk, and talk to your fellow workers in new ways. How can you get to know them better and be helpful? Meet with your boss, ask where you can do better, and add what you plan on doing. Create the change you want and see how it affects you and the people around you.
2. Find a new job in the same field or shift to something new. All the skills you have are transferable. They will work wherever you go, even in a different line of work. Spend time imagining what you’ll do and where. Maybe it’s time to relocate. Perhaps it’s time to do what you always wanted to do and dream about. Anything and everything is possible.
It takes work to get unstuck, and I’m confident you will find a way or 20 ways to reinvent yourself and do work you love, inspiring you, making you feel proud, and making a difference for you and others.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Change Something and Make it Work.