First Job
by Michael Feeley
What is the first job you remember doing?
Maybe it was a family chore assigned to you: taking out the trash, making your bed, feeding the dogs, raking leaves, cleaning storm windows, washing the car.
How did you feel about that work?
I remember shoveling snow in my driveway when I was seven, and that shifted to helping neighbors, where I received my first salary, $2 from Jane Settle. I was thrilled about the money and proud of the work I did. Mostly because I helped someone. I also realized I could build a business doing this in the winter and mowing lawns in the summer.
I liked what I did, my heart was in it, and I enjoyed working for myself. There was value in my work. I learned new skills. I was committed to doing the best job I could. I was reliable and careful and did extras—not because the person asked but because I wanted to.
Isn’t this how work should be? Doing work you like, work you’re proud of, using your skills, helping others, and making a positive difference?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also key – 4 Choices in the System of Work.