Earning Great Clients

by Michael Feeley
WHAT LEVEL OF CLIENT do you want to attract and be known for working with?
I sent a negotiated contract to a prospective client, and he sent it back with several new alterations, demands, and an hourly price reduction for my services. I let him know I was not for him.
I’ve learned not to pander to clients who want to manage and be cheap about price. It’s never a happy choice. I don’t thrive on standard work with generic results for the masses.
Quality service, sincere care, respect, and the effort I put into helping people create change in their lives and businesses are the core of my work.
What happens when you focus on scarcity, easy money, and the attitude of ‘good enough’ compared to abundance, deserved compensation, and achieving extraordinary and sustainable results?
Look at the people and companies you respect and work with. What do they offer you like and want? Who are their clients? What is their reputation?
Your mindset is crucial in gaining excellent clients. It’s the personal confidence that you deserve top clients.
Having great clients requires significant demanding work, top solutions, creativity, and results. The ideal client helps you produce exceptional work. You don’t mind working hard to meet a great client’s needs and goals.
What are you willing to do, learn, and change about yourself to be the professional who earns great clients?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – CLERKs and CEOs.