Doing Good

by Michael Feeley
EVERY DAY YOU have the opportunity to do good in the world.
You can choose to have a good effect on other people and things.
You can do good with your presence.
You can do good with the work you do.
Good means creating positive change and having people feel GOOD!
If you’re a yoga teacher, you hope to have people learn about their strength, relaxation, focus and deep connection
to the center of their selves.
If you’re a resume writer, you guide people to tell their stories of who they are and what they do in an organized and
authentic way that helps them get a job.
If you’re a real estate broker, you help people find a home.
How many opportunities, chances, and choices do you have to do good? – Unlimited.
Take them all.
Give to others.
Be generous.
Show how much you CARE.
Thanks – Michael Feeley (he, him)
Please share this Daily with many others because it will do good.
This matter too – What’s a Good Effect?