Do You Hear Yourself?

by Michael Feeley
Listen to yourself.
Throughout the day, you have thoughts and feelings happening in you. Tune into them. Become aware of the things you think, hopes you have, emotions, creative ideas, fears, doubts, joy, resistance, plans, dreams+++
Some of these infinite thoughts we act on, and others vanish. Study them. Learn from them. Discover their value.
Your thoughts about people and things are not just musings or passing ideas but opportunities to get to know yourself better, to act on inspirations, build things, and be helpful to others.
They are signals, signs, and messages from the universe encouraging you to grow, learn, and change. Think of them as guides and map points to possibilities and options that connect to your internal GPS (global positioning system) so you can be all you hope to be, including all you wish to be for others.
Maybe you want to be interviewed about your work on several podcasts. How can you make that happen?
Perhaps you have an idea to serve your clients better. What will you build?
What if you switch careers and have companies and people you want to connect with? What simple steps will you take to get there?
Your thoughts are the magic, mystery, scientific, and logical data of the world coming at you to gain your attention, working in you to improve constantly.
Act on your thoughts. Be true to yourself and all your potential.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – What Is Seeking You?