Do You Have Empathy?

by Michael Feeley
How do you know if you have empathy for people?
First, you see them as people with whole lives, not just as clients, customers, audience members, candidates, applicants, investors, or buyers.
Then, you dig deep into what they feel, and you’re sincerely curious about how they see the world. You’re willing to stand in their shoes and think like they think, valuing their hopes, fears, dreams, and doubts.
Empathy means people matter to you even if they seem entirely different from you and what you want and need.
Empathy is a crucial connection tool and business builder.
How do you want to be cared about?
How do you like to be treated?
What kind of service do you expect?
When you have empathy consistently, people notice and find it nearly irresistible.
Empathy is a choice, and it’s essential in people’s lives and work.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Empathy.