Describe Not Discriminate

by Michael Feeley
We each are more than our names, given to us at birth. Much, much more. More than our resumes of one or two pages.
We have a surface and profound, remarkable, intricate, complicated depths. Isn’t that fantastic!
Professional actor and singer – contractor – linchpin – doctor – headhunter – life coach – writer – photographer – mother – real estate agent – social media expert – website designer – accountant – hotel owner – chef – marketer – gardener – yoga teacher – some with pride and some with Blah, Blah, Blah.
- What matters to you?
- How do you want to be seen and to be remembered?
- How much does that matter?
Labels can be helpful to describe who you are. Your individual self, skills, purpose in life – to free not to restrict – to describe not to discriminate.
Man – woman – father – daughter – Yolanda – Jason – Asian – French – LGBTQ – person – human being…
You make a name for yourself, and it should be one you love and respect. It is your integrity. Your legacy. A good name.
For me, that is everything!
How essential is it that you be the same person inside and outside?
The same to yourself as you are to the outside world? One way. Consistent. True. Everywhere.
Do you have the commitment and the courage to be one way, living in integrity?
Well – that is a challenge and also pretty damn scary! To be whole. Entire in all aspects and areas of your life so that if someone examined you and your life, in every detail, would they say –
“Hands down. He is true to himself. He has integrity.”
That is what I am after. That’s how I want to live. It is the gold, diamond, and platinum ring, and I’m willing to work my head off to achieve it.
It is achievable. It is attainable. It takes extraordinary commitment, work, and wisdom. Love too. You have the capacity to do it and achieve it. I reiterate some vital guidelines:
– Know Who You Are (It’s a lifelong study with some immediate answers.)
– Like – Love – Accept Yourself Unconditionally
– Be True to Yourself
– Live The Best Life You Can
Try this exercise:
Make a list of your core values, qualities, assets, and gifts because these are the facts of your life—the unique truth
about you.
Write them down because that makes them real, and also see that the list is unlimited to add on to at any time.
This is not truth or dare. This is the truth.
Then look in the mirror – eye to eye with just your self – and go deep, straight into your soul. You must be able to like what you see and feel. To understand who you truly are and who you want to be. Not tolerate yourself but like, love, and accept your self unconditionally by seeing the truth and living the BEST life you can from that seeing.
We are each greater than we think. Always and in all ways perfect – resourceful – highly creative – magical and worthwhile people – “Wild and precious…” as poet Mary Oliver so perfectly says.
Sure, we want to change things about ourselves, and we can. That is the simple, ordinary, great good news. Our hope to change and become better is real. HOPE leads us, along with valor, so we each can share our gifts and shine. Be blindingly brilliant. Singing our specific love song with confidence and freedom, and unbounded emotion – standing proud for who you are, able to say:
This is who I AM.
Able to do it with all people, in any and every circumstance. This is who I Am. I AM – I AM – I AMMMMMmmmm…!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this post to help people define, describe and know themselves truly.
This too will inspire you – Do Open Heart Surgery on Yourself Daily.