Create Your Happiness

by Michael Feeley
“I just want to be happy.”
Then do it. Create your happiness. It’s possible. Do something to be happy.
It’s your choice. Happiness can happen instantly and at any time. Even under painful circumstances.
Take the day off from work and do what you want – speak your mind to people – buy something you’re dreaming about –
relish eating your favorite food – write down things you’re grateful for – help someone else.
Give yourself permission to be happy.
Commit to happiness.
Stop stalling. That’s what makes you unhappy – feeling stuck and hurt. Pretending you can’t do anything about it. You make yourself a victim. Why? What do you get out of being unhappy?
Isn’t life better when you’re happy? So ACT on happiness. You are 100 percent in control of your happiness.
“Happiness depends on ourselves.” – Aristotle said this. He backs me up and I think he knows what he’s talking about.
Thanks – Michael
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I think you’ll like this too – Yes! Happiness Is A Choice.