


by Michael Feeley May 31, 2024


It takes work to find work. It will be challenging and exciting to look for a new job or shift into a new career.

You will have competition, and that is perfectly okay. You’re up to it.

The origin of the word competition is not ‘against’ but rather to ‘strive together.’ To be capable, to seek, to aim, to ask for.

Competition is not a threat but an opportunity for you to shine. Show up and do your best, being strong, positive, prepared, and enthusiastic as you search for the proper work and meet people.

You’re promoting and selling who you are in all your worth and vying with others for the position you want. Embrace competition as a chance to showcase your skills and stand out.

Believe in yourself; you are a survivor—a resilient, resourceful, determined, imaginative spirit. If the word survivor doesn’t resonate with you, consider these alternatives – you’re a succeeder – accomplisher – achiever – winner – change maker – and wonderer (not wanderer) because you are curious about things.

Curiosity is connected to motivation, innovation, solving problems, and getting positive results. You’ve most likely come through things and created ways to cope with difficulties and successes personally and professionally. That is an important part of what you bring to the table.

Your self-belief is the key to unlocking your potential in the job market.

> What is competition to you?

> How do you feel about competition?

> How can you be bold and respectful and ask for what you want so that people find you irresistible and hire you?

Trust yourself—when you are accurate about your unique worth—and that means understanding and trusting your skills and tools with confidence and pride, presenting various credentials, specializations, and parts of your background, successful project work, history and experience, connections, assets, and values, you will feel – “Bring it on. I’m eager and ready.”


Thanks – Michael (he, him)

Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is also good to act on – Competition is Good.


Michael has twenty years experience matching people with positions that allows them to reach their potential. Having worked with corporate decision makers, Michael has expertise in understanding organizational needs in multiple industries. He understands, experientially and intuitively, what gets people hired and what doesn’t. With a big heart and intellect to match, Michael Feeley is an authority on bringing the best out of business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs… he has such amazing energy, not to mention a terrific business background.

Libby Gill

Business Coach, Brand Strategist & Best Selling Author

…as a trainer I watched Michael Feeley become a masterful coach, being adept at many coaching skills… he is supportive, motivational, action-oriented, open minded, authentic, confident and compassionate… such a delight to work with… fun, high-energy, intuitive, spontaneous!… I have observed him to be very inspirational, empowering, and encouraging clients to go to greater depths in their lives. He is a true ambassador of the profession… Michael has heart and soul along with the ability to deliver!

Deborah Van de Grift – CPC, ELI-MP, PCC

Vice President iPEC – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching

You, my friend, are the Real Deal.

Matthew Carey

Host of Studio Time Podcast


Michael Feeley walks the walk and talks the talk. He is honest, authentic and incredibly generous in spirit. Michael’s deep commitment to service means his clients get his full attention and will benefit from his coaching skills, experience and wisdom.

Kathy Karn

Psychotherapist, Photographer and Storyteller /

London ON Canada

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