Compassion is a Choice

by Michael Feeley
YOU CAN HAVE compassion for anyone at any time.
You don’t even have to be with the person. You just have to make the choice to do the emotional labor to understand
how they see the world, how they think, and why they act the way they do.
It’s demanding to stand in the shoes of another person. That’s why it’s called emotional labor because it takes work –
a sincere desire to know and to offer relief to another’s pain.
Not to change people or judge them but to be kind. You never know what questions or burdens another human being
is carrying with them.
– What wishes and dreams does that person have?
– What do they want for their life?
– What are their doubts and concerns, and even fears?
Compassion and kindness – heartfelt concern for the misfortunes and sufferings of others – is one of our deepest
human desires and it can be a way of life.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think this matters too – Have Empathy for People.