Choose to Lead

by Michael Feeley
Our world has drastically changed in 2020. There is the old chapter of our lives before Covid and then there is the disruption and adjusting to make life work for all of us… new possibilities… new ways of seeing and living.
THE WHOLE WORLD is living with change, questions and fears about the virus – economy – civil rights – anger between local governments and federal governments and other countries.
It gives each of us the opportunity and the choice to lead and encourage other people to lead with hope and relief and progress – to change things and make a better world. To counter despair, irritation and boredom and the harmful attitude choice (some people are making) – “I don’t care about distancing, masks, hand washing. I’m tired of it. I’ll do as I please.”
How tired should you be of safety?
How fed-up should you be of practicing and encouraging safety?
It takes courage, commitment and hard work to be stronger, kinder, wiser, more practical, more empathetic, more creative, more grateful, more caring, more loving then we are right now and that’s where being a leader starts – with just you and then going collective.
Leading is available at any time to anyone and so is selfishness and complacency. That’s the choice we each face.
Philosopher and scientist Noam Chomsky describes it clearly:
“If you assume that there is no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to change things, then there is a possibility that you can contribute to making a better world.”
Thanks – Michael
Please send this out and encourage leadership in new and immediate ways.
And also take a look at this – Choices Add Up to Your Life.