Choice and Change

by Michael Feeley
THERE IS SOMETHING I highly value – the fact I can make choices.
You can make a new choice about anything at any time – personally and professionally. So you’re not stuck to a choice
you made yesterday or last week, or last year.
You can start fresh, release a terrible choice and make a better choice about how to live your life and the kind of work you want to do. (Hopefully, it’s doing something you love.)
Maybe you’re committed to a particular career and find it is not for you. The good news is this –
you do not have to hold onto it. You are free to change.
Choices do cost you something. They add to you, or they take away from you. They strap you down, or they make you free.
If your choices are working well for you, keep going; if not, you can change.
> How happy is your life?
> Are you doing the work you want to do?
> Are you connected to the people you want to be connected to?
Choice and change! They go together.
They’re gifts and assets that you can practice and get good at to make your life good!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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See what you think about this – You Become the Choices You Make.