Change Struggle into Pleasure

by Michael Feeley
WE STRUGGLE WITH things, and struggle can be good, but why not take a fresh, hard look at your battle and see how you can change it and create an easy and better solution for yourself.
Sometimes you put yourself behind a car pushing it uphill when all you have to do is get inside – turn on the engine –
step on the gas – and GO!
See the different choice you can make?
You have the ability and the skills to make a new decision, to see the flip side and change – to get out of stress and discomfort into something healthier for your freedom, comfort, and happiness.
> How can you change pain into pleasure?
> Where can you create a positive change, an efficient result to your challenge, and questions to free yourself to be
more creative, grateful, happy, and helpful to others looking for you and your work?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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