Change is a Choice

by Michael Feeley
We want change – to change specific things about ourselves.
It’s normal. Call it — improve, grow, modify, shift, amend, replace… do things differently. Whatever words connect with you and your purpose for change please use them.
It’s a choice to change and how you go about it is key. If you just give yourself orders without really ‘wanting’ to change and without a solid and achievable plan you’ll probably fail.
Your desire to shift your mindset from a — ‘have to change’ or ‘need to change’ — into a ‘want to change’ — instantly builds meaning and pleasure; something really positive and strong, which is crucial for all successful change.
French poet and novelist Anatole France is inspiring on the subject – “Change is the essence of life.”
Look around — Change is constantly happening. Day changes into night… fruit ripens… our body’s cells change every second and in 7 years have fully replaced themselves.
We change clothes, change lanes when we drive… the deeper choice is to make it lasting by changing how we think — by changing our minds and also having a change of heart. When we do this it’s the deepest change. The sooner you commit2change the sooner change will begin and become manageable and permanent in your life.
How appealing does that sound to you?
Thanks – Michael
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