Building Relationships

by Michael Feeley
How important is it for you to build relationships, personally and professionally?
For me, connecting and building a relationship is something I value, need, and love.
It was once essential in my work as an actor to connect with and become the character I was performing in a play as deeply as possible—to be genuine and then share that with others (the audience), which was another fantastic and satisfying relationship.
In my work as a headhunter, finding people the right jobs mattered because I wanted to understand their skills and desire to be expressed and happy in their careers and work; having empathy helped me to connect and to work with integrity.
As a career and life coach, my professional alliances and working relationships with people are crucial to helping others create the change they hope for in their lives and work. I thrive on this work, which is the essence of me and profoundly gratifying.
How about you? How much meaning and depth do you want to have when you connect with others?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – What Do We Have in Common?