Bring on Your Dream!

by Michael Feeley
You have a reason to be here on earth and it includes your dream.
If you’re already living your dream or working towards it great!
If not – ACT on your dream. Believe in yourself. Figure out what your dream is and how to achieve it. Go after it!
Some people had a dream to walk on the moon and they did. Some want to sing opera, paint, build houses, teach, write, raise a family, be a fireman and they are doing it. They are living their passion and loving their lives.
“I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.” – Vincent Van Gogh
You must try to live your dream because if you don’t try, don’t attempt it full out, you’ll regret it your entire life and
that is no way to live.
Don’t let doubt or fear hold you back. I’m sure your dream is bigger than your fears!
The world is standing by for you and your dream. Waiting for you to have a great and good effect on us all and the world.
Dreams demand a lot from us and they should. They are that valuable. So please – give them what they are due.
Give them life. Give them your life.
Put your heart and back into your dream. All of your love and commitment. Bring on your dream!
Thanks – Michael
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See what you think of this – Live Your Dreams – 25 Surprising ideas to Help You Do It.