Breaking Trust

by Michael Feeley
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN you break trust?
You destroy the belief, the confidence that someone had in you personally and professionally.
Truth – Reliability – Security – Respect – Integrity are destroyed.
Broken trust can ruin your life.
When you trust someone, you count on their honesty.
You’re always building trust in whatever you do and wherever you go.
If you work for the armed forces, your words and actions reflect directly on you and the military service.
You cannot separate the two.
The same is true for a doctor – lawyer – teacher – clergy person – a student and the school they are studying at – contractor – electrician – housekeeper – neighbor – partner – family – you to your self.
Ethics matter.
Your conduct, your effect on other people, and things matter. It’s why there are laws, customs, regulations, and
other people’s lives to respect.
We all rely on people to do the right things.
There are always consequences when you break trust. Sometimes you get a criminal record for dishonesty. It will follow you for the rest of your life. There is no hiding from dishonesty.
Broken trust is nearly impossible to repair.
How does it feel when someone tells you – I Don’t Trust You?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and don’t break trust.
This also is critical – Gratitude is Truth and Trust.