
Break the Rules and Invent New Ones

Break the Rules and Invent New Ones

by Michael Feeley July 18, 2024


Asking for what you want is often seen as a rulebreaker, and it is not how things are done with the status quo or socialization, acting in a way that is acceptable to society.

Much of my success has always come from knowing what I want and doing all I can to achieve it with grounded abandon and wild, practical creativity. That means speaking up and being innovative without fear with my career, projects, goals, ambitions, and dreams, including making new rules that get results.

If you’re a writer, find your style and build tactics to be known as you offer your work to others. You’ll be surprised what doors will open.

If there’s a particular company you want to work for or specific people, teachers, and thought leaders you want to connect with and work for, write to them. Study them. Learn all you can. Tell them why you like and respect their work and want to work with them. You can do this. Simply take action and do. Don’t just talk about it and tell people. Take a risk. Start. Make it happen. Stretch. Invent. Be free and original. If people say no, that’s ok because some people will say yes. You just need to find them, and you can.

You have the resources.

You have the knowledge.

You have the skills.

You have guts and courage.

You have the attitude, responsibility, patience, creativity, desire, and willpower.

Practice. Find your stride. Find your sweet spot of power and connection.

Don’t wait for your horoscope to say today is the day to do and succeed. Never waste now, for later, that may never happen.

I tell people in career coaching – build and maintain your LinkedIn profile now.

Create your resume now.

Have your cover letter and references ready now.

Look for work now, not in six months or a year.

Study the market and know what is happening now.

Achieving now and also doing what is next for you can change, break the rules, and create new ones. Some people will like it, sit up, and take notice because you tried, and it’s new and inspiring, and it works.


Thanks – Michael (he, him)

Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Fit In and Stand Out.


Michael has twenty years experience matching people with positions that allows them to reach their potential. Having worked with corporate decision makers, Michael has expertise in understanding organizational needs in multiple industries. He understands, experientially and intuitively, what gets people hired and what doesn’t. With a big heart and intellect to match, Michael Feeley is an authority on bringing the best out of business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs… he has such amazing energy, not to mention a terrific business background.

Libby Gill

Business Coach, Brand Strategist & Best Selling Author

…as a trainer I watched Michael Feeley become a masterful coach, being adept at many coaching skills… he is supportive, motivational, action-oriented, open minded, authentic, confident and compassionate… such a delight to work with… fun, high-energy, intuitive, spontaneous!… I have observed him to be very inspirational, empowering, and encouraging clients to go to greater depths in their lives. He is a true ambassador of the profession… Michael has heart and soul along with the ability to deliver!

Deborah Van de Grift – CPC, ELI-MP, PCC

Vice President iPEC – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching

You, my friend, are the Real Deal.

Matthew Carey

Host of Studio Time Podcast


Michael Feeley walks the walk and talks the talk. He is honest, authentic and incredibly generous in spirit. Michael’s deep commitment to service means his clients get his full attention and will benefit from his coaching skills, experience and wisdom.

Kathy Karn

Psychotherapist, Photographer and Storyteller /

London ON Canada

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