Bored or Burned-Out

by Michael Feeley
When coaching people about their work, many complain about boredom, not burn-out.
They work in a job where they do the same thing repeatedly with little encouragement to do more, take risks, and trust their creativity and instincts.
Often, boredom has fear to it—fear of standing out, of hearing criticism for doing something different, and not being part of the herd.
Why shouldn’t you do things in your job to oppose boredom, to be happier and more successful?
Why not stand out? Shift your mindset to giving more and looking at your work through fresh eyes, seeing new possibilities for yourself, and having others see better opportunities in you.
What will your boss say – “Please stop. You’re doing too much. You make others feel that they are not pulling their weight.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Love Your Work.