Bias and a Plant

by Michael Feeley
THE PLANT- Cathedral Bells (Kalanchoe pinnata – also called air plant, life plant, miracle leaf ), is a surprise because
of how different parts of the world see it.
It lives in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, West Indies, Bermuda, Philippines, Brazil, Galapagos Islands, Polynesia+++
On the Caribbean island of Saba, it blooms all around and is not valued or propagated. It’s seen as a weed. That seems unfair. It’s beautiful to me. I love it, and I grow Cathedral Bells in mass plantings in my yard.
In Hawaii, it’s seen as invasive – undesirable – harmful.
Cathedral Bells is a popular house plant in France, sold at flower shops in a pot for 7 –> 15 Euros.
People are for and against this plant.
> What does this say about choice and deciding what has value or not?
What can we learn about bias – the inclination, prejudice, and injustice of being for or against something –
a person – a group?
> Like or Dislike
> Value or Dismiss
> Freedom or Oppression
> Dominant or Marginalized
> Respect or Contempt
This plant has a life – a history – a culture like all people do.
Everything in the world deserves to be understood and known – cared about and cared for – treated with respect.
Please – open your ‘self,’ open all of your senses, mind, and heart and see how the world is naturally teaching us to be just and kind, not biased, not to discriminate or judge.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with other people.
I hope this will also inspire you – Equity – Racial Justice.