Believe in Choice and Change

by Michael Feeley
SOMETIMES, WE THINK we do not have a choice. What is taking place is our destiny. We’re stuck living a certain way.
Things can’t change. It’s not true. You have choices.
There are possibilities – options – and opportunities for you. All you need to do is seek them out, decide your best choice, and start to create change.
> What’s another way to see what is happening to you?
> What would your mother say?
> What would five other people suggest?
> What might a stranger say?
> What would an online group with the same question think and do?
> What is the worst-case scenario?
> What is the best-case scenario?
This is your life, and your best choice to care for yourself is out there.
If you go deeper, you will also learn – the answer is in you. What you want and need is in you to discover, and you can. Be patient and steady. Search, find, and do the essential work to know yourself better.
Knowing has hope and solutions.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Your Choice to Understand.