Beauty and a Pandemic

by Michael Feeley
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” – Poet – Mary Oliver.
I’m watching purple and white orchids thriving in a planter in my front yard. More blossoms than I’ve ever seen from them before. Held in place by stones. Their roots clinging and growing on rocks. Freely adapting, connecting and blooming away.
I have such deep wonder and gratitude seeing this happen. Something beautiful and alive in the midst of a pandemic.
How do I make sense of these two things?
- By seeing myself in relation to other people and things
- Feeling connected with Zoom video calls
- Answering emails
- Learning new things taking online workshops and seminars
- Writing and publishing every day here on my website and also LinkedIn
- Focusing on the beauty of the world
Saba is an astonishingly beautiful Caribbean island that I live on with good people. We’re like the orchids – thriving even while our borders are closed and people, who are allowed to visit, must quarantine for two weeks. We’re being careful by choice.
I’m gathering strength. Feeling joy and gratitude to be alive with awareness of what’s frightening and also beautiful
in a pot of blooming orchids. It’s realistic and hopeful. This is life and I’m telling about it.
How are you gathering strength and what beauty do you see?
Thanks – Michael
Please share this with your tribes and let’s keep being strong and beautiful.
I think you’ll also like this – Wake-Up Gratitude.