Be You

by Michael Feeley
CAN YOU LIVE one way?
It’s a choice to show up as you. To be the same person – your true self – in every single situation of your life –
work, relationships, family gatherings, shopping, emailing, Zoom meetings. Ask: Am I true to myself?
It means examining your life to see if every connection you’re involved with is healthy for you in your mind and heart.
If not, find out why and then change it.
Go ahead – tell the truth about yourself to everyone.
Yup. That’s right. Tell the whole truth. You’ll probably shake things up and disrupt some people, but when the ‘fall out’ settles, you’ll be saying — “This is who I am. This is how I intend to live my life. This is the real me!”
In the process of speaking your truth, you’ll garner something extraordinary — authenticity — living your values and
your beliefs.
I’m not saying be any way you want. Jails are full of people who do that and don’t care at all about the effect they have on others or the world.
It means being responsible; holding yourself accountable for your thoughts and actions.
Gandhi gives us three wise and essential guidelines to live our lives by, and he knew a great deal about showing up as
his true self – and also for a nation.
“Be congruent. Be authentic. Be your true self.”
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post and encourage us all to be authentic with ourselves and others.
I think you’ll like this too – Truth and Trust.