Be Wise Who You Work With

by Michael Feeley
Be wise about who you work with and why.
If you’re working with a professional editor, it’s an opportunity to learn new things. It’s your material, but they have experience, fresh eyes, and insight to guide your writing journey.
A more profound possibility for an editor is a coaching editor or book coach who asks you empowering questions to learn more from you, the author, rather than just managing and moving material around. The coaching element builds a relationship of trust that offers innovation, creativity, curiosity, and care.
It’s care and curiosity that I thrive on. The genuine desire to know, being asked questions to bring out the best in me and trying out options within the format of my writing, be it a thesis, academic paper, memoir, or inspirational book.
Find what and who works for you. You can. Don’t get shuffled into a shoe that doesn’t fit.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Trust in People Succeeds in Business.