Be Proud of Your Raw Nerve

by Michael Feeley
Raw nerve is a positive thing. It means you have the guts, courage, wisdom, boldness, and willingness to take a risk to do something you want, something that matters.
There’s organic strategy in having raw nerve even when it seems you’re leaping into action. It’s not sloppy or reckless spontaneity. You decide to take action when an opportunity appears because it shouldn’t be missed. The action is the immediate plan that grows in detail as you head forward.
You raise your hand and ask questions or present an idea or a goal to make things better for yourself and others. Crash the audition, apply for a job, propose marriage, commit to opening your own business, run for office.
Change is being created whether you succeed or fail, and the tactical desire to achieve something is exciting and vital.
Trust your gut instinct. Be proud of your raw nerve. It’s a valuable, powerful gift.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Create Opportunities.