Be Outstanding or Mediocre – Your Choice

by Michael Feeley
DO YOU WANT to be outstanding and memorable in all you do?
Will you choose to be mediocre and forgettable?
Excellence is a choice.
Quality is a choice.
Being counted on is a choice.
Attention to detail is a choice.
Giving more than is expected is a choice.
Consistently showing up is a choice.
Caring is a choice.
Sometimes we work with people who only do the minimum, and even that is not good enough.
However, you choose not to fire them because unfortunately they’re the best you can find now. Such as a cleaning service for the rental properties you manage that lets you stock all the supplies because if you don’t do it, there would be no supplies on hand – napkins wouldn’t be clean – sheets and towels won’t be fresh and matching without your care.
Even with encouragement and strong positive talk, they don’t change. So you live with their mediocre attitude – stubbornness – care-less heart – and deplorable service.
They do not want to be part of greatness – known for being the best.
They may even resent you and your skills and want to sabotage your happiness and success.
They know you’ll pick up the pieces and do what they don’t do to make things shine.
You’ll find your way and find a solution.
Don’t lower your standards and dumb things down.
Don’t get tired, exasperated, angry.
Don’t give in and sell out to people who want you to fail. Know it and own it for what it is.
Dance up a storm of excellence! Keep being remarkable and hard-working, consistent, and uncompromising because
it’s the only way you’ll respect yourself, and it’s the only way you know how to live your life – in integrity.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Integrity is Being True to Yourself.