Be Interested in Others

by Michael Feeley
WHENEVER THINGS COME at me, causing pain, pressure, and emotional havoc, one choice that always gives me relief and clarity is being interested in other people – offering sincere care about others’ lives, questions, fears, doubts, joy, successes, needs, and wants.
If you think about the people of Ukraine and the current Arab-Israel war, what does it do to you?
The choice for simple deep listening can make a difference and make a person feel –“Someone is there – Someone hears me – Someone wants to know what I feel inside myself – Someone cares.”
How can I be of service?
How can I help you?
What is goodwill?
It’s 1 to 1 community. Learning from others – feeling with others – support – encouragement – celebration.
Being interested in people will make you feel self-care and self-kindness, less alone, less self-absorbed, less tied up in a tight, unwindable knot.
Empathy is a life-enhancing universal choice.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also crucial – Empathy is Goodwill.