Be a Leader with Your Work

by Michael Feeley
YOU CAN BE a leader with work by how you choose to do your job.
You can show up giving your all – offering top service – good energy and drive – caring about the quality of your products and how you help others and get results.
You can not care – be average – do the minimum – be forgettable.
You do judge yourself, and so do others, on your work attitude.
The choice to lead with integrity happens from filing clerks to heads of companies.
Create a daily intention:
“My work matters, and I will positively affect others by doing my best work, earning their trust and gratitude.”
Don’t let yourself and others down.
Choose to do work that improves life – work that matters – work you respect – work that makes you feel proud
of your contribution.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with others.
This is also something to act on – You’re a Natural Leader.