Astound Yourself with Your Potential

by Michael Feeley
WE EACH HAVE astonishing potential. It’s with you from birth. You’re full of the stuff.
Study what you like, what comes naturally, and what you do well. Math, languages, athletics, art, organizing, leading.
Your potential lives in the things you like, and you’re good at.
Potential takes focus, practice, and love. Create a plan to succeed and act on potential daily.
Trust your potential. You may sense in your gut that something will be or could happen. That’s a ‘Potential Signal,’
a clue you should tune into and seriously examine. “Go to the interview… Ship your work.” It’s a direction that your inner self and world potential are pointing you towards, like a compass.
Don’t let fear interrupt your potential.
Never let anyone talk you out of your potential.
Obliterate, “I can’t.”
Commit to your potential. Replenish it. Resurrect it.
Take one step at a time to grow your potential. Your knowledge about yourself and life experience will enable you to start knowing and living in your potential.
Thomas Alva Edison expressed it this way:
“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Go ahead – Astound yourself! You and your potential deserve it.
Thanks – Michael
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