
by Michael Feeley
Ask for what you want.
Be specific.
Be professional.
Ask with respect and dignity.
Create an achievable, detailed plan to get what you want and hope for.
Here’s a simple, successful example of asking for and getting what you want.
You’re hungry and want Chinese takeout delivered to your home around 7 p.m. You specifically want one egg roll, a bowl of cold sesame noodles, and General Tso’s crispy, savory, spicy, tangy chicken.
You call up a restaurant, and it happens. You asked for what you wanted and achieved it.
You can do the same when looking for a new job. Know what you want to do for work, why you want it, and how you will achieve it, step by step.
The big challenge is getting past resistance, which lets us know asking for what we want is rude and selfish and not part of the status quo. That inner bully may also make you feel you don’t deserve to get what you yearn for.
When you know your worth and what you have to offer (your skills, abilities, experience, expertise), you can ask for what you want with excitement, joy, and the free confidence of knowing you deserve it. You deserve good things to happen to you. You are worth it.
Once you get what you want, you then need to maintain it, to come through every day, to continue to grow, learn, do, and give even more. To be remarkable and indispensable.
Other people will also benefit from you showing up and asking for what you want and getting results.
Where have you asked for what you want, and then you got it?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Ask – What Kind of Empathy?