Are You Lucky or Hardworking?

by Michael Feeley
Are you just lucky or are you hardworking – committed – creative – smart.
My guess is – you act on what you want.
- You actively go after your dreams and ideas.
- You set your intentions.
- You have real goals and you get results.
- You don’t usually quit.
You’re after being extraordinary – the best at what you do. Better than anyone else in the world. The one and only.
The only one. A star!
That’s how I am. That’s how I live and work and always have because – I know I get one chance to live the very best life I can.
Why wait around? Why screw it up!
Act On Making Your Life GREAT!
Thanks – Michael
Shoot this out to all your hardworking tribes and live better than you are right now!
I think this will hit home with you too – Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner… Except You.