Always Traveling

by Michael Feeley
We’re always traveling – going somewhere in our minds and moving our bodies around.
Travel is exploring, discovery, adventure, creating opportunities, learning, growing and changing.
Even when we sleep, we’re traveling in our dreams.
Our choices create travel.
When we wake up, we start traveling around our homes, led by our minds, hearts, and senses.
You travel to work and might work on a phone or a computer, answering emails, researching, writing, and publishing, but be aware – you are traveling.
It’s serious fun to realize that when you send an email, ‘you’ are traveling to another place, which might be on the other side of the world.
Travel is a journey of self. A quest to know who you are, what you think you want, and why you are here on earth.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Describe Your Self.