Accountability Buddy

by Michael Feeley
SOMETIMES YOU CAN’T do things by yourself, and you also don’t want to, so you need help, and that’s where an Accountability Buddy comes in – someone who coaches you to meet a commitment.
It’s your opportunity to choose a partner (or a couple of people), someone you trust, who has empathy and will hold you accountable for what you hope to change and achieve and… THEY WON’T LET YOU OFF THE HOOK!
That’s moving and magical.
You set specific times to work together, once or twice a week, or text daily. Whatever works well for you.
Maybe you want to find a new job.
Your accountability buddy pledges to help you build an achievable plan to succeed – create a new habit and daily practice, breaking things down into small do-able steps and goals, so you live up to your promise.
– Writing a resume
– Searching job sites for the work you want to do
– Targeting 5 – 10 companies and people you are yearning to work with
– Strategizing where and how to send out your resumes
– Getting interviews
– Practicing answers and question for the interview
– Deciding what to wear
– Securing references
This buddy is your guardian angel – your personal goodwill ambassador – non-judgmental, tough, and fair because
they want you to succeed.
They see your possibilities. They love you.
They’re with you every step of the way – sharing – encouraging – caring – giving – side by side as your co-pilot, helping you navigate so you can fly and soar and reach your destination with a full heart and joy.
An accountability buddy can work at anything and anywhere – exercising, losing weight, finding a new home, or relationship, helping you save money and organizing and decluttering your home and life.
There are no limits to how people can help you if you ask and let them.
You do not need to be alone doing work to change and be happy.
Buddy up so you do not give in to resistance and procrastination, do not betray yourself, your hopes, and your dreams.
Let’s get you to the finish line so you can live your BEST Life!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with many others.
I think you’ll see value here too – Hold Yourself Accountable.