A Time For Gratitude

by Michael Feeley
Here on the Caribbean Island of Saba
there is a lot of generous care being taken about the coronavirus.
Positive thinking, planning and action steps for people’s well-being.
The need to help others is abundant and deeply compassionate. Making sure we’re all safe at home and at work. Having food and supplies; feeling stable and hopeful that our lives are being taken care of by the local government and each other.
Naturally there is an enormous desire to keep Saba virus free.
It’s a goal that inspires everyone. We’re succeeding.
We hear regularly from Governor Jonathan Johnson, and his support team, both in writing as well as personal, recorded messages; giving generous time and thought about the essential questions of transportation at the airport and harbor, health, medical facilities and procedures, schools and businesses staying open or being closed for the best practices:
- Working from home (new for many people)
- Grocery stores, bakeries and restaurants helping people with food shopping and deliveries
- Residents returning home to Saba and placing themselves in self quarantine
- Staying connected
- Practicing empathy
All kinds of services and creative ideas from a loving community figuring out how to be useful and protective at the same time. Especially for the most vulnerable among us. Doing what matters now.
Making things better.
It’s all generous. The giving. The practical details going into place. Not a blanket disaster manual handed out but genuine practical, organic concern and coming together for the welfare of people’s lives and the island itself.
There is no resistance. No backing off but the straightforward choice to show up and contribute by saying – “I’m here to help.” Presenting facts and feelings – Logic and emotions – Passion, understanding and kindness joined to the science of health and precautionary measures.
The leadership is good! And it makes for gratitude, confidence, much less fear and much more peace of mind and heart. You know you are not alone!
We’re deeply thankful for everything the government and the people of Saba are doing to keep us
and the global community safe.
Thanks – Michael