A Body for Justice

by Michael Feeley
WE EACH HAVE a body, and we make choices in how we use every part of our body – hands – senses – heart – mind – language – actions+++
Is your body built for justice or wrongdoing?
Built for Fairness or Corruption?
Kindness or Harm?
Selfishness or Generosity?
Love or Hate?
Resentment or Gratitude?
Contempt or Respect?
What will it feel like to use your entire self (mind, body, and spirit) to be just – fair – ethical – treating all people equally, with dignity all day long in everything you do?
If you create this habit of justice for a full day and then keep repeating it, how natural do you think it will be to live by justice?
We’re back to choice and what the choice for justice and human rights mean individually and collectively.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with others.
This matters too – Justice is Always Working.