You’re a Creative and Artist

by Michael Feeley
YOU HAVE ABILITIES, knowledge, skills, talents, gifts, and if you use them every day, you are creating something.
You’re a creative person and artist by choice.
Maybe you’re a great listener, organizer, pool cleaner, taxi driver, cheerleader, receptionist, delivery man, cashier, grocery packer, yoga teacher, social media expert, brand namer.
You show up and do your work because you want to, and you like helping people.
Argentina, my housekeeper, is an artist! She has a steady practice. She shows up on time and works hard caring for my home and every object. She creates change. Clean change. Respectful change. Organized, fresh, satisfying change. I trust her.
I count on her. I respect her work and work ethic.
She fills me with gratitude and leaves me in awe every time she cleans my house. My home and life are better off because of her generous skills and commitment to her work that she told me she loves.
See what I mean about people who are true creatives and artists? How they make a choice. Commit. Start and come through.
You have this possibility and the opportunity to be a creative person – using your entire being to be an artist and make the world a better place. Doing work, you’re proud of and work that matters.
Thanks – Michael
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