You Have Unlimited Potential

by Michael Feeley
YOUR POTENTIAL IS alive in your thoughts and words. Listen to what you tell yourself:
“I have the potential to be… I love doing… I always dream of being… I’m passionate about… No matter what, I’m going to…
I’m really good at… My heart aches for….”
Your capacity to achieve and be something is at the center of your potential, and it’s nearly always positive unless you have
a propensity for laziness and self bloating.
Potential is a natural, organic impulse, one of your great friends and supporters which can move you forward if you want.
The passions and dreams available in your heart and mind are the keys to open unlimited potential.
What could be more important than your potential – discovering and living up to your abilities and possibilities?
There is power and might in potential. The might be of you and then… I AM.
And – As you go after your endless potential, why not help unlock the potential of others. MMMmmmm! So good!
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post and see what potential appears.
This is also something to connect with – Astound Yourself with Your Potential.