You Have Panache

by Michael Feeley
PANACHE IS A beautiful word. It means doing something with confidence and flair.
Panache comes from the French and describes a courageous and flamboyant manner representing the ornamental
helmet-plume worn by cavalrymen.
Panache is deeper than fashion. It means you have skills and style in how you live in the world. How you cook, play an instrument, walk into a room, write, talk, lead.
It’s not arrogance. It’s personal brio – verve – gusto – vivacity – pizazz – zip – zing…
– A dashing elegance of appearance
– A carefree, spirited attitude
– Feeling comfortable in your skin
– Being your true self
Everyone has panache. It’s your singular, sensational self.
Ralph Lauren describes panache with fresh and satisfying depth:
“Style is very personal.
It has nothing to do with fashion.
Fashion is over quickly.
Style is forever.”
Take a kind and generous look at who you are – discovering, loving, and living your stylish truth.
Please ask and then commit to it forever:
What is my panache?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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