Whose Business Are You In?

by Michael Feeley
Byron Katie — the brilliant and famous American speaker, author and founder of the method of self-inquiry called “The Work”, says this about business:
“I can only find three kinds of business in the world — mine, yours and God’s. Whose business are you in?”
I love this question! It always makes me laugh and keeps me focused on
my business exclusively.
Here’s what it means:
– If there’s a hurricane, that’s the business of the universe, reality, God.
– If your neighbors like to play a certain kind of music, that’s their business.
– If they play it too loud and you can’t sleep, that’s your business.
Sometimes we’re in other people’s business offering uninvited advice and opinions right to their face, as well as behind their backs.
When you’re not in your business recognize it — turn it right back on yourself and see how your words about others can help you be a better person.
Attend to your own business
Whether you work for yourself or not, one essential thing to practice is — how to mind your own business.
– Mind how you build, connect and move forward
– Mind how you treat and speak about people
– Mind if a business opportunity is good for you to take on
– Mind your advertising, publicity, PR, marketing, branding and expansion
- Do your very best
- Build a team
- Communicate
- Give top service
- Create opportunities and take advantage of what’s around
- Work with others and be respectful
- Live with honor
- Show up , take risks, be positive and every single day do something to succeed because you love your business
If you work from a place of fear — worried about what will happen and what people think, you’re sunk.
You have the freedom of choice. The freedom to lead. The freedom to choose how you want your business to be and the people you want to associate with. You’re free to be passionate and to create unlimited success.
Either you step into the spot light and sing out or you sit back in the shadows complaining with fear.
How does this sound?
– ‘I’m so happy you want to work with me exclusively but I’m afraid to do that…some people might not like it.’
– ‘Thanks for asking us to advertise with you but, I’d better not. What will the competition think?’
– ‘Had I known my success would cause such a ruckus I never would have opened. Please forgive me.
I’ll just be mediocre.’
Sounds crazy, right?
But — people actually do think like this. If you have any thoughts like that get rid of them because fear is running you. It stops you cold from doing a good to spectacular job. And…it also shows how you’re not minding your business.
No one can take things away from you. You Lose them all by yourself.
You don’t lose clients and lose business if you work hard, care and mind your own business. Yes. Sometimes someone else may have more to offer; something different but that should always empower you — rev up your massive creativity and energy because you have the choice and the opportunity, right in front of you, to improve and bid for a client’s business, stimulate them into thinking only about working with YOU!
‘They stole my clients…stole my business.’ That’s a lazy, asinine excuse to wallow around in because it makes the client look stupid — like they can easily be fooled and manipulated. You insult the client. And you let yourself off the hook. You’re not taking responsibility for yourself. Not holding yourself accountable at all.
People are smart! People only work with you, only buy from you when they’re ready and when they trust you. If you lie and do back stabbing, underhanded things, you murder trust…You lose out big time and it’s hard, nearly impossible to rebuild trust once you lose it.
No one owns a client. You choose to work with people and they chose to work with you. It’s freedom. Not slavery.
It’s our job as business owners and sales people to take care of the client in every way and never to get tired of serving them. But — you have to do the work — you have to mean it — you have to love it. You have to get on your feet and be active, be genuine, warm, smart, kind, honest and go beyond their expectations. If they leave you it’s for a good reason and you’d better find out why.
Take responsibility for your work — Take responsibility for your words — Take responsibility for your actions.
What’s your reputation worth?
Take care of your clients! But, If you lose a client be immediately courageous and ask questions so you can understand and be different:
- What changed between us?
- What stops you from working with me?
- Why did you cancel the contract?
- What does the other company have that I don’t?
- Where could I have done better?
- What mistakes did I make?
- How can I change this and make it up to you?
- How can I earn your trust again?
Have the tough conversation. It will make a difference. Your reputation is on the line.
Just because you run a company or work with someone for years doesn’t guarantee you business.
You may be a really good poker player, the best on the circuit, but…that doesn’t mean you deserve to win
without playing the game and playing it fair and square.
You know the truth
We all judge ourselves. We’re our best and harshest critic. You know in your own heart if you’re doing a good job or not.
You know if you’re ethical and fair. You know the truth.
Sometimes you fail and things don’t work out as you plan but that’s a gift! No matter how badly wrapped it is. It’s a vital learning experience. A time to reconsider, to make new and better choices, to start again and turn things around.
Honesty is irresistible. It’s a magnet for attracting people and business.
Feeling sorry for yourself, misplaced anger and unjust talk is the lazy slug way to lead. It’s never useful. It’s a waste of precious time and energy and always has a bad effect. All of that garbage will ruin your business. It’s poison. It leaves you and your business cold and people will stay away.
So banish it forever and focus on the good. Focus on every detail, every process and every goal that you have for your work or company and let nothing side track you from the success you hope for and will have.
Don’t wander out of your business. Be an ethical laser beam at your work.
Be alluring and unavoidable. Create an image, a name, an ambiance of excellence and enjoyment that draws people right to you and has them feel —
“Ahhhhh! Finally! Someone does it right. I have someone I trust. Someone reliable and good whom I love working with.”
Imagine… and apply these 5 points from sun up to sunset
- How satisfying and positive will your work be if you actively stick to your own business 100 percent?
- How successful will you be if you don’t complain but focus only on you and your business?
- What would hard, honest and steady work, on behalf of your business, look and feel like daily?
- How can you turn negative thoughts and energies into positive purpose and good results for your business?
- What effect will it have on you, your staff and your lovely business if you promote, attend to and are mindful of just your business?
I work at all this daily in my business as a Life & Career Coach. And… because of my purpose, I’m usually centered in other people’s business for the right reasons — learning and assisting people to live the life they most desire. It doesn’t hurt me. It’s productive and healthy and positive and invigorating and so deeply satisfying.
This post isn’t about stopping gossip or negative concern about what others are doing and how to beat them out. That’s petty and narrow…not big enough… not forthright.
– This post is to remind you of the quality of your work and the reasons why you run a business.
– To help you define and renew your purpose in life and your business.
– To think about the core values of your work.
– It’s about why you’re an entrepreneur and opened your own business… purchased a building… bought an established business and set your dreams in motion to improve it and grow.
– To refresh and reignite the big, open purpose within your job and wipe out any and all ugly, unproductive, cheap and low down behavior.
This post is about your specific passions and love for Your Business.
- Reminding you how you help clients to be happy
- How you give quality service with your entire rich mind and heart
- How you give back to people and the community
- How you provide value
- How you work over and over and over again. Day in and day out….sometimes even in your sleep to be successful and fair.
This is what I’m passionate about – Doing work I love – Creating change –
Building – Producing and – Thriving by minding my own business.
How about you? Whose business are you in?
Thanks – Michael