Where Does the World Surprise and Encourage You?

by Michael Feeley
In my back yard, the goats on Saba ate this large White Spider Lily to the ground… Heart breaking to me as a gardener but understandable because it is very, very dry here (not much rain in the last several weeks) and the goats are hungry. And yet – This simple plant still blooms!
- What does that say about you?
- What can we learn when we’re attacked, chewed to the ground by events and perhaps other people?
- What’s the choice – to stay beaten down or to keep growing and flourishing? – To Keep showing up – To Keep producing?
- What bloom do you have to shoot out to a world that can be dry and harsh and perhaps lifeless?
This blossom surprised me today. Gave me great hope, inspiration and joy.
Why not be that way yourself?
Show your possibilities to others. Let them see your bloom; see your beauty even when the world challenges you.
Thanks – Michael
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