What Pulls On Your Soul?

by Michael Feeley
It’s one vital question to answer because once you know exactly what you want, you can go after getting it –
creating a step by step doable plan to achieve your desired goal, which “…pulls on your soul.”
The answers for what you want and how to proceed are in you, and they are also around you. The outside world sends messages to direct you (using work, people, play, circumstances), be aware, and open. Often stillness will present answers.
Trust yourself and trust the world.
I’m grateful to the poet Rumi for backing up my thoughts with beautiful and practical seeing:
“What in your life is calling you, when all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned…
the lists laid aside, and the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest… what still pulls on your soul?” – Rumi
Thanks – Michael
Please pass along this post to help us each discover what, “…pulls on your soul.”
See what this means to you also – Do the Work to Get What You Want.
#335 (photo Cece Schweitzer – Sunset on Saba – Dutch Caribbean)