What Is Your Purpose Here On Earth?

by Michael Feeley
You may not have answers but you can have purpose.
You make a choice about something and you stick to it because you think it will make a difference. Hopefully your reasons and actions will make things better. Make for positive change for you or someone else.
Not every purpose is good and it will have an effect on other people and the world. Purpose is intentional. Not an accident.
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.
And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” – Dalai Lama
Life purpose is the reason you get up in the morning. It propels and guides you. For some it’s the reason for their work and
the meaning and satisfaction it gives them and others.
Intention – Motivation – Aim – Plan – Map – Goal – Point – Aspiration – Dream – raison d’etre. All these words flood
into my head as I think about purpose and I feel happy!
Purpose can add healthy meaning to your life. Helps you to move forward to like and love your life.
What do you think is your purpose here on earth?
Thanks – Michael
Please pass this along to create good purposes in all we do.
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