What Is Vital Personal Gratitude (VPG)?

by Michael Feeley
VPG – The choice to celebrate your own accomplishments is Vital Personal Gratitude.
Often we neglect to pat ourselves on the back. It’s something to be aware of and to change so you can appreciate and truly honor yourself for something you have achieved. VPG is essential to strengthen your self. It’s honest, deserved praise.
Tell yourself – “Congratulations! – Good Work! – Job Well Done!”
VPG validates you and your work. It says you matter. You make a difference. You have value.
It’s not vanity. Not selfish, egotistic flattery to have Vital Personal Gratitude. It’s smart and kind to celebrate you.
Whatever you are proud of do it again. Practice it. Practice your gifts. Sing your special song.
Listen to poet Walt Whitman when he says:
“I Celebrate myself, and sing myself.”
(It also means celebrating humanity.)
Thanks – Michael
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