Dreams and Reality by Disney

by Michael Feeley
EARLY THIS MORNING I WAS THINKING ABOUT DREAMS… what we dream about for our lives and how you should… NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!
Two songs came to mind and both by Disney.
‘A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes’ — from the 1950 movie Cinderella
‘When You Wish Upon A Star’ — from the 1940 movie Pinocchio with Jiminy Cricket
I was completely surprised and stirred with such emotion and memories of these movies.
It’s bigger than you imagined
Cinderella and Jiminy Cricket are well known and universal. They stand for all people even while they come out of fairy tales and the fantastical imagination of Walt Disney, who gave rich, detailed meaning, life and personality to all kinds of animals and people through the art of animation.
These stories give us hope and inspiration because they show that even with the complexities and tough circumstances life throws our way, good things can happen and change our lives if we believe in dreams and aim towards achieving our goals and ideals. Dreams do come true.
Think Disney just had fun?
Mickey Mouse popped out of my mind onto a pad…on a train ride from Manhattan to Hollywood at a time when business fortunes of my brother Roy and myself were at lowest ebb and disaster seemed right around the corner.
All the adversity I’ve ever had in my life, all my trouble and obstacles, have strengthened me…you may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
I wanted to know more and I printed out the lyrics to the two songs and researched the singers — Ilene Woods was Cinderella and Cliff Edwards, Jiminy Cricket — and then I watched the videos of Cinderella singing in her attic room and Jiminy Cricket — so tenderly crooning that deep, treasure of a song… ‘When You Wish Upon A Star’. Take a look. See what it means to you.
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true…
I just love the words… ’Like a bolt out of the blue’.
We all have a ‘secret longing’, dreams that live and burn inside us. They’re specific things we want…ache for, not just for our lives but for other people too. Yes…ACHE! It’s in you. Call them dreams – visions – fantasies – desires – goals – yearning. Please acknowledge and value them. They have real meaning for you and perhaps the world.
If you’re living your dreams you’re truly fortunate and if not, get back in touch with them right now.
For me, dreams are a real life-force and they are in every person. They are the essence and center of who you truly are and they tell us what we are meant to do with our lives. Dreams are plans with reason.
Walt Disney used his imagination to show reality. His beloved movies are real fantasies filled with good and evil, harshness and tenderness, fear and hope, dreams and reality that get right into our heart and make logical sense that we all can identify with.
Trust yourself… go inside and see what your dreams are and what you can do to make them a reality. It is never too late to have your dreams come true.
Like a bolt out of the blue – fate steps in and sees you through
when you wish upon a star your dreams… come… true…
Thanks – Michael
P.S. Don’t think for a second I’ve forgotten Snow White!