We All Have Two Kinds of Choices

by Michael Feeley
WE HAVE TWO attitudes working in us all the time.
> One choice builds you up; it’s constructive, positive, anabolic.
> The other choice tears you down; it’s destructive, negative, catabolic.
At any moment, you can feel gratitude or resentment – happiness or anger – pleasure or disdain.
Here are two ways of seeing gratitude:
“Thank You is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” – Alice Walker (writer & social activist)
“Gratitude – The meanest and most sniveling attribute in the world.” – Dorothy Parker (poet & writer)
See the choice you can make (not just about gratitude) but about anything or anyone in the world.
Thanks – Michael
Please send this post out encouraging the best attitudes in people.
This may also inspire you – Two Kinds of People – Two Choices.