Vanity is Deeper Than You Think

by Michael Feeley
IS THERE SOMETHING deeper about vanity besides excessive pride in appearance and accomplishments?
Yes. I think there is healthy vanity – a healthy belief in your ‘self.’
What if vanity is about the essence of you – your integrity – the way you carry yourself in the world and the sincere pride and humility you have in your work?
Why shouldn’t vanity (your surface) connect with your depths and core values?
Light with Dark…
Hidden with Shown…
Appearance with Reality…
Body with Mind…
Self with World…
How can beauty on the outside also match beauty on the inside?
How can you use your appearance and achievements to affect other people in positive, good ways?
Face and how you look matter. It’s the first thing people see about you. However, it’s not the whole story, and we shouldn’t judge another human being solely on their looks and what they do.
We always have the choice and the opportunity to understand people – to care, to have empathy, and offer kindness.
Understanding is one of the greatest gifts we can offer another human being and with it… love.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think this matters too – I AM – My True Self.