Relish Life

by Michael Feeley
What kind of life do you want to live?
Look at the miracle of your body and mind, heart and spirit. It’s magnificent! Scientific magic. Yours to do with as you want.
Why not go after living The BEST Life you possibly can live?
You have the freedom of choice to live as you want. To be yourself. Free and intentional. Generous. Creative without disrespect or harm to others.
The sunrise today was brilliant, active, intense, splashing colors of orange, yellow and blue across the sea and sky.
Profuse. Peaceful. Gratifying. Inspiring. Not stingy at all. Not grudging or miserly. Isn’t that how you want to feel and live?
What is one thing you can do, right now, to live your life the way you want to?
What simple choice can you make to better your life?
Decide. Participate. Be Happy.
Take that walk – start reading that book – turn on your favorite song and dance – meet up with your friends – look for love – dare something – leap and risk. Act on what you want and have fun.
We have to do all we can to relish this magnificent life. Not waste it.
Thanks – Michael
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#273 (photo – Saba – Dutch Caribbean sunrise)