Pick Yourself – Take Your Turn

by Michael Feeley
DON’T WAIT TO get what you want; go after it now. Pick yourself. Take your turn.
Often we think we have to comply and follow a “This is how it’s done.” routine—waiting to be chosen.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT! Choose to lead and lead your ‘self’.
Why wait to finish high school, and then go to college, and then get an internship, and then a perm job and “pay your dues” before you get what you want.
Start now to build your dream, and don’t settle. Let your love run you.
– Do the work.
– Make a plan and create opportunities.
– Open your own doors and windows, meet people and make things happen. It’s possible.
– If you want to be an accountant, practice the skills.
– If you want to sing on Broadway, audition, and sing.
– If you want to write for The New Yorker, write and send them your work.
– Make a choice – commit to the journey – do the work
Who do you know who is doing what you want to do and how did they do it?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this post and inspire people to pick themselves and take their turn!
This also matters – Celebrate Difference.
(I thank Seth Godin and The Creative’s Workshop |Akimbo for inspiring this Daily)